Please click on the "Mars" is listed in the Google Earth toolbar. Yes, here, you not only can "walk" the planet to enjoy face Red in the high resolution and the latest. In fact, the surface and information about the plane landing and features other interesting you can also access the new features of Google Earth and the collaboration NASA is.
Google Earth, as the exploration of the world map applications that until now has been on the version 5.0 Beta. Giant software company that announced that the latest version of Google Earth is not only will invite you to walk on the earth, but also to the space around the bottom of the sea and the ocean.
After our cruise to Mars in the sea. 3D map format because this will invite you to explore not just a place for pleasure beach, but also explore the surface of the sea surging up to the entrance into the most basic to enjoy the adventure Terumbu-through coral reefs or sunken ships.
This map service also includes 20 features contain information about research, research and ocean exploration. And to click with some signs in certain parts, we will find the video documentation of course marks owned National Geographic and the BBC. Here, we can not just point to climate change, but also species of living sea creatures and even what is already endangered.
Uniquely, we can change the camera to produce an impression as if we walk on the surface of the sea, diving, Dive and explore a variety of interesting sites such as the triangle enjoy oneself, volcanoes under the sea, ships, or carrion. How, click the Layers marked "Ocean" and to see the changes, you only live memperbesarkan view of the surging sea level and we can go up to it to see the sea floor.
Presumably, to explore the planet Mars to the terdalam from the sea with the Google Earth will provide the experience itself. And of course, that also provide knowledge of new and useful. Not surprisingly, Al Gore to give a comment heard enough praise to the giant software company as "a magical experience."
"Now you can dive up to wrap the whole ocean is almost three-quarters of the planet and bertuialang to new places nan impressive that can not be accessed in the previous version," said Al Gore.
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