Creating PDF Files Without Using Acrobat
By using some free programs, you can easily PDF files from Word files without having to need to spend nearly U.S. $ 300 to get the full version of Adobe Acrobat. The program is Ghostscript, a free program available for all kinds of operating systems.
Ghostscript can create PDF files from PostScript files. PostScript is a programming language-page description of nearly all known types of printers, and this is usually the format of your file when you print to the printer.
From Word, you can print your document to a file not to the printer. File format that will be a file if the PostScript printer driver that you use a printer that supports PostScript. This means you can use the program to make Ghostscript PDF file from the file.
To check whether your printer supports PostScript, try to print a short document to a file (from the menu select File> Print and Print centanglah box to file), then open the file with a text editor program such as Notepad. Although Word will give the extension. Prn, it will be the same as the PostScript file. Characteristics of the PostScript file is the content of the first line (when opened with Notepad) always starts with the characters%! PS near the top of the file.
If you do not have a printer that supports PostScript, do not worry because many printer drivers provided by the printer. For example a printer driver from Hewlett-Packard. Due to print only need to file its driver, then you surely do not need a printer.
Once you install the printer or PostScript printer driver, you will be able to directly use the Ghostscript, Ghostview and GhostWord to create PDF files from Word files.
To get a free Ghostscript you can download it from the site the University of Wisconsin. You can also download GSview to open a PostScript file.
Using GhostWord
Ghostscript is GhostWord view so that one with the Word. This program will add a button from the Word toolbar. Use this feature to change the Word document that is now on directly to a PDF file.
There was also able to run this facility outside of Word. GhostWord even have a display to receive input on the command-line. You can get one for free here.
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